(1). Yongkun Li, (2001) On a periodic mutualism model, ANZIAM J. Vol.42,No.4: 569-580.
(2). Yongkun Li etc, (2002) Periodic solutions in periodic state-dependent delay equations and population models, Proc.Amer.Math.Soc. 130(5): 1345-1353.
(3). Yongkun Li (2004) Global stability and existence of periodic solutions of discrete delayed cellular neural networks, Phys. Lett. A 333(1-2): 51-61.
(4). Yongkun Li (2004) Existence and stability of periodic solutions for Cohen-Grossberg neural networks with multiple delays. Chaos Solitons Fractals, 20(3): 459-466.
(5). Yongkun Li etc, (2004) Exponential attractors of the nonlinear wave equations, Nonliear Analysis, 57(5-6): 655-666.
(6). Yongkun Li etc, (2005) Global exponential stability of periodic solution for shunting inhibitory CNNs with delays, Physics Letter A, 337(1-2): 46-54..
(7). Yongkun Li etc, (2005) Existence of positive periodic solutions for differential equations with feedback control, Appl. Math. Letts, 18(1): 61-67.
(8). Yongkun Li etc, (2005) Positive periodic solutions of discrete n-species food-chain systems. Appl. Math. Comput., 167(1): 324–344.